
Ithyphallophobia = fear of having a public erection


Men with ithyphallophobia are concerned and embarrassed by having a public erection. As a child, they may have been teased or made to feel ashamed by it. Caregivers (parents and other responsible adults) may have rebuked them for having one. Culture and religion are also factors in this condition. The term is a combination of three Greek words: ithy – straight, phallo – penis, and phobia – fear.

Erection is identified as a physiological phenomenon in which the penis becomes firmer, engorged and enlarged. Penile erection is the result of a complex interaction of endocrine, neural, psychosocial and vascular factors and it is often associated with sexual arousal and/or sexual attraction, although erections are also spontaneous. The angle, direction and shape of an erection varies considerably.

The Fear of Erections:

Too often and for far too long, the “massive multitude of mankind” (humanity) has assigned, associated and equated bare, naked and nude with evil, sex and sin. This rendering against body and clothes freedom caused the condition of “being natural” – without concealment or covering – as synonymous with evil, sex and sin. A very all-too-common and popular misconception has developed in culture is: remove your clothes, bring on the sin. The sin being sex and the result, the entry of evil.

The result? The endless circle of condemnation and judgment against all bare practitioners and other naturists/nudists for simply being themselves. Why all the hate? Because being bare, naked or nude is not right. It is not natural. It is an abomination. It is a disgrace. It is uncivilized.

Having an erection? It is a perversion!

Spontaneous unplanned)!


Allow me to begin here by explaining that I’m almost positive that “erectile-phobia” isn’t an official word in any language known to humanity. Let me end with the observation that perhaps it should be. Despite the background definitions above, erectilephobia has a very simple meaning: it is the fear of growing an erection (in public) especially when in a social nudist environment. This is a valid nudecentric concern, particularly for bare practitioners.

Erections are a natural male reaction/response to stimulation, imagined or real. It’s perfectly healthy and normal. There’s absolutely no reason to feel any guilt and/or shame. It happens when we are alone or in a group setting. No matter what others try to “preach” or try to instill in our minds, there are those awkward moments when sometimes a man’s penis really does have a “mind of it’s own” and reacts accordingly.

Unfortunately, erectile-phobia inhibits some same gender loving men from participating in bare practitioner activities. They are afraid of being embarrassed publicly if and when they acquire and/or grow an erection while in the company of others. Let me add here that non-same gender loving men also suffer from this same condition/fear, also. It’s not just some “queer fear!”

With the rapid approach of another summer season and the accompanying series of seasonal body and clothes freedom social events and gatherings (barbeques, cookouts, cocktail parties, sports opportunities, aquatics and outdoor outings, etc.), I want to help calm and erase the anxieties that some men may have with public erections. Everyone, bare practitioner or not, deserves the chance to experience the season clothes free!

First, we’ll examine misconceptions and myths surrounding erections, specifically spontaneous (unplanned) public erections. Second, we’ll recommend several ideas and suggestions as to coping should an unintentional penile reaction occur.

A tabletop feature!

Misconceptions and Myths:

Everyone will know that I’m inexperienced with social nudity. This is a false premise. It is true that those “newbie” (newly) nude or unfamiliar with communal nakedness are prone to erections. However, this is not an exclusive condition. Veteran, or experienced social nudists find themselves with an unexpected erection, too. They grow on all of us, some more often than others. Trust me on this, I know as it happens to me, my spouse, our friends. Regardless of the person, erections occur naturally and randomly, they don’t discriminate based on how many times a man is publicly naked.

People will think that I’m an exhibitionist or trolling for sex. First, one of the last places for an exhibitionist is in a social nudist environment. Exhibitionists are excited and thrilled about exposing themselves and seeing people react to their behaviour. In a socially naked situation, they are around scores of people who are all bare. They simply aren’t noticeable in a group of bare practitioners. In this setting, they are practically invisible. Thus, there is no reward (thrill) for them. If they are so bold and foolish as to expose and stimulate themselves in public, they are ignored, shunned and soon escorted off the property.

Second, bare practitioners are aware of erectile spontaneity and simply ignore the condition. In practically all nude gatherings, we’ve all “been there” (have experienced an unplanned erection) and understand the situation completely. It’s really “no big deal!”

A photographer “inspired!”

Everybody there will laugh at me or worse. More than likely, totally untrue for all of the reasons highlighted above. Most experienced naturists/nudists – of both genders – are sympathetic and too polite to place attention to a man with an erection. Unless the guy is acting or behaving in an offensive or provocative way, few, if any, will even give the matter a second thought. There are no “erection control police” to embarrass a man for being normal.

I’ll be humiliated. If an arousal occurs at all, and understand that the key word here is “if,” this maybe true. Remember the discomfort will last only as long as the erection lasts. This is usually just a few minutes, at best. Once it disappears, get on with enjoying the company of others who are there with you. Relax and appreciate the freedom of having fun amongst others, naturally.

Suggested Solutions:

There are some options if (again, “if” not “when”) a penile erection feels happening. These recommendations are a few alternatives that my spouse and I have used when in this predicament. Keep in mind these are personal suggestions and not from any particular or official rule book (I doubt that one even exists)!

  1. If lying on a towel or a chaise on a beach or pool deck, simply roll over onto your stomach until the erection subsides. Common sense, right? Occasionally, a quick dive into the water frequently helps to calm an erection.
  2. If standing, either physically turn away (if possible, without being rude) or focus on maintaining eye contact directly with those around you. Then, concentrate of the conversation and not the erection. Continue to interact as though nothing is amiss. If this is done when you first realize your penis is becoming erect, it usually prevents a full erection from occurring.
  3. If you become excited during a sports game (one-on-one or a team) or a social game (board game, cards or charades) once again, remain focused on the activity and not the reaction of your penis. Becoming more involved often decreases the genital response, especially if movement (action) is possible.
  4. If this takes place during a meal, there is a convenience known as a napkin. Use it to cover your lap while savoring the food and the company. Just knowing that you’re no longer exposed usually causes the penis to relax.
  5. If swimming, continue the aquatic action or submerge under the surface.
  6. If appropriate, use self-deprecating humour. Laughter shared with friends changes the mood and eliminates any tension. Remember the proverbial wisdom: “Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.”
  7. If all else fails, mentally envision the opposite of the situation. Mentally imagine castration or affliction with an ongoing erectile dysfunction. Those thoughts alone will (hopefully) erase any unexpected natural urge!

Recognizing erectile-phobia for what it is, understanding that it is normal and knowing that others are sympathetic hopefully will eradicate or, at the very least, reduce any concerns or fears about participating in social nudity. Having an “action plan” if an erection happens helps to overcome anxiety and builds confidence. Now, discard those unnecessary clothes and have a bare practitioners summer of natural fun!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: My scholastic year has ended and I have the summer off! I plan to continue posting here but there will be a visual posting for Friday, May 17, 2024. I am having a well-deserved one-day holiday from all obligations! I plan to resume text/visual post entries on Monday, May 20, 2024 and the proposed topic is: “SOS!”

USA: Mother’s Day!

Salute to all mothers!

In the USA, the second Sunday in May, annually, is observed as Mother’s Day. A salute and tribute to not only biological mothers, but to all women who provide guidance, love and support to children and youth. A time to show our appreciation for a job that was performed and undertaken without any expectation.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Flowers in appreciation!
To all mother’s!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, May 13, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Erectile-Phobia!”

World Naked Bike Ride!

World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR)!

The World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is ongoing throughout the entire year!

The World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is an event that is ongoing throughout the year. It happens across the globe and each and every event is planned and coordinated locally. The local chapters have the responsibility to post their event on the website.

The WNBR is promoted as an international clothing optional bike ride where participants (and spectators – where allowed) plan, meet and ride together using human-powered transport (cycling, skateboarding, inline-skating, jogging and/or running) to “deliver a vision of a cleaner, safer body-positive world.”

A WNBR London, UK rider with the Progress rainbow image body painted on his chest!

The WNBR is not sponsored by any particular sexual orientation organization however it obviously is supported by a multitude of bare practitioner supporters!

The concept for the event is to raise awareness of bicycling safety and rights, raise awareness of ending dependence on fossil-fuels and to raise awareness of the human pedestrian. Nakedness is a tool to depict the vulnerability of humanity in relation to the automobile and the congested traffic it creates.

Some riders share political messages!

The WNBR was inaugurated in June, 2004. In 2003, Conrad Schmidt developed the concept of the WNBR after organizing a local bike riding event for “Artists for Peace/Artists Against War” for a city in Spain.

“We face automobile traffic with our naked bodies as the best way of defending our dignity and exposing the unique dangers faced by cyclists and pedestrians as well as the negative consequences we all face due to dependence on oil and other forms of non-renewable energy.”

Since 2006, the message supporting the World Naked Bike Ride has simplified and the primary focus is now on cycling advocacy and the sharing of the roadways.

For additional information, visit the website:

World Naked Bike Ride

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, May 10, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “USA: Mother’s Day!”

Happy Easter!

Joining together for Holy Easter!

Today is the feast of Holy Easter for all the faithful of the Eastern Orthodox Churches! Happy and Holy Easter wishes to everyone!

Within the Greek Orthodox community, our eggs are all dyed traditional red!

The colour of red is used as symbolic of the blood that was shed during the crucifixion!

Flowers symbolizing renewal!

Flowers represent the return to life as in the resurrection!

Traditional Easter bread baked with a red dyed egg!

My spouse, Aaron, has mastered yaya’s (my grandmother’s) recipe for our Easter bread!

Kala pascha! (Happy Easter!)

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is tomorrow, May 6, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “World Naked Bike Ride!”

World Naked Gardening Day!

World Naked Gardening Day 2024: 4 May!

World Naked Gardening Day, Saturday, 4 May, 2024!

Canada: 1st Saturday in June New Zealand: last Saturday in October


World Naked Gardening Day was originally designed as a day for the entire world to observe, however, in reality, globally that is impossible to accomplish. Weather and growing seasons vary not only by hemispheres (Northern and Southern) but also from region-to-region. More often than not, the growing season is even different within national boundaries as well. The current practice is to continue the single date observance in order to keep “world” as an honest part of the title and to respect every country’s claim to determine what date is appropriate for their nation.

The goal is to garden while enjoying nakedness – the actual date this is done is probably insignificant. More than likely, gardeners who are dedicated naturists/nudists perform the task more than once while clothes free anyway!

Our header photograph (above) shows us all the gardening promotion of an entire nursery (floral and plants)! This is very special as aside from designated nudist colonies, there is rarely any existing clothes free or clothes optional business or community thriving on our planet!

Sniffing the blooms!

WNGD is a recent addition to the listing of events primarily observed for serious adherents of nakedness. Many bare practitioners participate in this activity but it really isn’t promoted towards the GLBTQ+ culture; part of the homophobic retention from the days of the naturist/nudist past.

The very first WNGD took place on 10 September, 2005. The early festivities attracted media attention, especially in the then-popular television broadcasts and in the printed media publications (newspapers). The second observance of WNBR was held one year later on 9 September, 2006. After the second one, it was decided to change the set date to the spring flowering season corresponding to the Northern Hemisphere; the official date for the occurrence changed to the first Saturday in the month of May, annually. Since 2007, this is the official date.

In 2018, the New Zealand Naturist Foundation adopted the last Saturday in the month of October as a more conducive gardening date for the Southern Hemisphere. Canada is now transitioning to the first Saturday of the month of June, annually, as a more productive date and have the event now entitled as Naturist Canadian Gardening Day (NCGD).

The founders and organizers of WNGD assert and insist that “beside being liberating, nude gardening is second only to swimming as an activity people are most willing to consider doing when nude.” In the United Kingdom, naturists are officially encouraged to engage in clothes free gardening in sanctioned select public parks.

There exists a somewhat dated, volunteer maintained website for World Naked Gardening Day at:

Internal garden!

Our observance:

My spouse, Aaron, and I host a WNGD social at our condominium on the actual date for several of our bare practitioner couples. We involve those who are very similar to us: with basically indoor plants and/or balcony growing flowers. Our space is limited and we’ve had some fun-filled plantings over the past. This year is the second hosting since the coronavirus COVID-19 compelled us to cancel our WNGD for a couple of years.

Aaron prepares a tasty brunch offering and we hang sheets over the railings of our balcony. The neighbors may enjoy a revealing “showing” of our bodies but that doesn’t promise that our guests are willing models! Our goal is to observe gardening day and extend the health of our houseplants, not to offer a anatomical lesson!

This year, Aaron and I are concentrating our attention on our flowering plantings that appear on our balcony – without the coverings! We have portulacas and geraniums that we want to place along the edges of the balcony that receives direct sunlight from morning through the early afternoon. Actually, one of our geraniums from last year survived the winter inside and is due for a change of potting.

Naked gardening!

Have a very happy and productive World Naked Gardening Day! May all of your plantings be blossoming and beautiful!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Notes: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, May 6, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “World Naked Bike Ride!”

May Day, 2024!

A floral garland!

May the first; the very first day of the month of May, 2024! It is the only May Day that we will have this calendar year! In the Roman Catholic Church world, the entire month of May is in honour of the Virgin Mary (as shared by my spouse, Aaron)! Perhaps that was due in part because the Vatican, the headquarters of the church is located in Rome, Italy, which is situated in the Northern Hemisphere. Where the process season of Spring is underway. A time of rebirth and renewal.

Early in the twentieth century, the Bolsheviks took control of Russia and renamed it the Soviet Union. They held a major parade on this day promoting their communist ideology as the futuristic unity of the world. On this day their celebration featured weapons of their supposed military dominance over all the world.

A modern May dance!

The traditional May Day maypole dance has been revised and updated. The current rhythm is too energetic for today’s youth who were bored with the traditional ribbons wrapped around a maypole! We all need to stay in touch with what is popular now; too soon, even today’s choreography will become “old-school” and outdated!

A floral crown!

Same gender lovers (SGL) never had such good times as May Day traditionally involved the exchange of flowers as proof of affection and devotion between lovers and spouses. And a remarkable fact about May Day: clothing is not required! Happy days are finally here!

Floral headgear!

This bare practitioner is commemorating May Day in his glorious nakedness and with a festive floral wreath balanced on his head! Obviously, he’s well into the spirit of this wondrous day!

Flowers for you!

A May Day gift, especially for each one of you in appreciation for visiting here today!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, May 3, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “World Naked Gardening Day!”

Bottom’s Up! April, 2024!

Spring bottom’s-up! body painted buttocks!

The western observance of Easter was on 31 March, 2024, and featured Easter egg-painted buttocks in honour of that occasion. Hence, a posting of Spring body painted buttocks for the ending of April! We can be inclusive here on ReNude Pride!

Welcoming bottoms-up!

With open arms and confidence our man above greets everyone to yet another publication of bottoms-up! here on ReNude Pride!

Lubrication application!

In the changing room of his fitness facility, our man above is serving a double purpose of lubricating himself after his shower and sharing his personal bottoms-up! anatomy!

Bottoms-up! indoors!

The couple above have mixed sleeping patterns. One is slumbering away while his partner is reading a newspaper: totally old-school!

Bottoms-up! skinny-dipping exit!

It is the time of year for us to attempt aquatic adventures! No better way than a bold skinny-dip (naked swim) to help bolster our circulation!

Bottoms-Up! for the month of April, 2024!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for tomorrow, 1 May, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “May Day, 2024!”


Bare fun!

Camaraderie: good will and lighthearted rapport between or among family and/or friends; comradeship


The bare practitioner community and culture is based and built upon two distinct characteristics or traits that we all share. They are of equal importance and each one is essential in the bonding and the sense of belonging that being a bare practitioner brings into our lives as individuals and as a collective common entity. These characteristics or traits are our same gender love (SGL) and our nakedness.

The Camaraderie is the fellowship, fraternization and friendship that the spirit of the bare practitioner community and culture instills within us. It provides us with a sense of devotion and trust that we all hold.

The Experience is likewise collective and shared. It creates a bonding that we rely upon. It presents us with a foundation of caring and compassion as both a community and culture within the larger GLBTQ+ movement that enables us to celebrate our SGL and our nakedness.

The Challenge is in the perspective of our daily lives and how our cooperation works wonders and rewards all of us.

Bare Practitioner Camaraderie!

Throughout the years here, ReNude Pride has on occasion alluded to the popular – often widespread – misconception that our “natural” state-of-being-bare, body and clothes free, naked, nude, nudity, open, unadorned is both identical and interchangeable with degenerate, evil, sinful and wrong. Before anyone panics, allow me to assure you that this site is not entering into discrepancy and/or reversal! Aaron, my spouse, and I remain committed bare practitioners! This publication is nakedness encouraging, friendly, receptive and welcoming! And it shall remain so as long as we are involved here!

I have somehow collected this series of pictures of these two men interacting together in either foreplay, fun or jest (or a combination of all three)! The precise cause of their behaviour isn’t really important. The impression is that they’re both having fun together and that they’re both innocent of anything evil, sinful and wrong. They’re both enjoying their nakedness – plain and simple!

Bare, fun-loving and happy!

In harmony with the title of this post entry here today, they’re both not guilty of any maliciousness or misbehaviour aside from simply “being themselves.” Their body language and facial expressions confirm this as factual and reality. The atmosphere implies cheerful, comfort and harmony. Their eyes convey both affection, innocence and trust! They are engaging in camaraderie. Nothing more and absolutely nothing less than what the above definition offers us. A seasonal rite of rejuvenation and replenishment after the barren winter!

As bare practitioners, all of us know – primarily from first-hand experience – often in our textile (clothes oriented) society that our nakedness is interpreted by many as a subtle tool to foster sexual intimacy. The obvious physical contact between these two men: embracing, staring, touching, and their shared nudity may reinforce this misleading message but it fails to confirm it into actual reality.

Their interaction and their clothes freedom does validate their same gender love (SGL) acceptance and bonding. It likewise reaffirms their shared bare practitioner connection. They both have very similar physical characteristics that suggests a possible familial relationship (cousin or sibling) or perhaps a more bromatic (brotherhood + romance) affiliation.

Serious bare practitioners!

Discounting all and any homophobic judgments, there is nothing wrong with the sincerity and the validity of confidence and pride between these two men. They both publicly (for the camera lens and for the viewers) have no hesitation in their relationship, whatever nature it may possess.

Witnessing what these two men share the the togetherness they treasure is an example and an inspiration for us all. It is a reminder of our hope, our humanity and our innocence! Our men here today dispel the popular and widespread misconception that nakedness and sex are synonymous. Nudity may enable a sexual advancement but it does not exclusively energize immediate sexual engagement. Casual nakedness interaction afford us comfort. comradeship and convenience.

This series of photographs remind me of the words of the Anglican (Church of England) priest from 400 years ago:

“Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee,

As souls unbodied, bodies unclothed must be

To taste whole joys.” ~ John Donne ~ 1572-1631

Although composed by an opposite gender loving man, the spirit of his thought is applicable today, regardless of the sexuality!


The Bare Practitioner Experience:

“A bare practitioner is a person who is same gender loving (bisexual or gay) and who is a naturist/nudist (no clothing or covering). They also willingly release their body, mind and soul from the frustrations and tensions of always hiding beneath the oppression of garments. A free spirit, uncensored and uncovered, in a complete natural state confidently joined with another of the same gender in companionship, devotion and pride. Accepting and respecting both what and who they truly are!” ~ Aaron and Roger Peterson-Poladopoulos ~

The blatant and unmistakable message that the above images deliver is clearly that bare practitioners have no underlying feelings of embarrassment, guilt or shame in either their SGL life and their nakedness. They can and do embrace both of these aspects of their existence and increasingly find the self-acceptance and confidence within themselves and others that enable them to progress into their future.

Bare practitioners are perhaps among the most accepting and tolerant groupings of the GLBTQ+ culture. Although frequently marginalized others, specifically based on their body and clothes freedom preference and status, they are a most cordial and welcoming social community without concern of a person’s particular clothing status. An exceptional majority of bare practitioners are familiar with the exploratory nature of many SGL brothers and sisters, especially their curiosity concerning nakedness. They are patient and tolerant of those outside the clothing optional culture.

The Progressive Pride flag!

This community has an abundance of the “multiple coming out” survivors. Mot only did they need to “come out” regarding their personal sexual preference, they also took the additional decisive measure of acknowledging their orientation for nakedness. This “double-outing” has forged an open, receptive and tolerant community for all! Out two subjects featured today are reflective of the inclusiveness of both the bare practitioner community and culture.

There was a time in the not-to-distant past where those who were attracted to the same gender romantically were cautious, discrete and obsessively secretive about their sexual desires. Nakedness was seen as degenerate and disgusting. Slowly, those archaic attitudes are being erased and that is one of the predominant reasons that the bare practitioner community is accustomed to those from outside their ranks frequently attending social functions in order to view the social scene.

The two bare practitioners in the photo series published here today are a visual testament that nakedness and SGL are both compatible and natural! We see ourselves as role models of both our community and our culture. One of our priorities is to ensure that newcomers and curious visitors feel comfortable and relaxed while they are with us. All are encouraged to join with us and to remove clothing to their individual comfort level whenever they feel thus inclined and without pressure.

Solid advice!

For some, nakedness, especially complete social nudity, is a gradual process. It involves unlearning a behaviour taught to us and requires time to accomplish. Then there are those who boldly discard all their textiles (clothing) and then need to be reminded to dress themselves before leaving the event/facility! The fact that we underwent the “double-coming-out” (nakedness and sexuality) process and survived hopefully inspires others that they can accomplish the same!

The Bare Practitioner Challenge!

A challenging pin!

The picture directly above is of a pin that accurately reflects the undue amount of attention focused on the male penis. Please remember that the actual object of this essential truth is the message itself. The challenge is this: In the glory of our nakedness, exactly how are se supposed to display our pin? Insert it into our skin?

In the realm of social interaction, it is almost universally recognized that people are more comfortable, forthcoming, honest and sincere around and with others they perceive as most like themselves. This dynamic enables and encourages a bond of sharing and of trust. Among bare practitioners, the sense is supplemented through nakedness and sexuality. This similarity allows us to focus less on generalities and concentrate on uniqueness!

Bare practitioner embrace!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Tuesday, April 30, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Bottoms-Up! April, 2024!”

ReNude Arbor!

Our own spokes-model, Phoenix Fellington, leans against his tree!


Arbor Day is a secular holiday that is designed to encourage communities and individuals to plant trees to improve not only our environment but also the quality of life. In the USA, this year it is observed on Friday, 26 April, 2024.

In our header image (above photograph), ReNude Pride’s official unofficial spokes-model, our bare practitioner open adult actor, Phoenix Fellington, proudly poses leaning against a tree. Obviously proud of both his nakedness, his sexual orientation and his appreciation of our world! In the .gif image below, he reminds us of the joys of nakedness in a park surrounded by trees!

“I love to be naked, outside, surrounded by nature!” ~ Phoenix Fellington ~ official unofficial ReNude Pride spokes-model; bare practitioner; gay porn star

2024 Arbor Day: 26 April, 2024

As published in the previous post entry here, there are an increasing number of neighbourhood communities and municipal localities that are combining Arbor Day and Earth Day events. As both occasions involve the benefit of our natural environment, this union provides for an exchange of information, resources and talent into a combined effort. This also eliminates competition, confusion and the duplication of services.

Admiring the trees!

ReNude is a playful substitute for the word renewed which represents a rejuvenation and/or a recharging. As in the title of this blog post entry and of this site, it reflects another opportunity for our confidence and our pride in not only ourselves and our environment, but our nakedness, too! What better way to pay tribute to nature than by celebrating our “natural” bodies?

It is our Springtime rejuvenation of us as both a distinct community and culture of bare practitioners within our much broader gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer+ (GLBTQ+) population.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we are now officially into our Spring season. A transition period between the winter and the summer. A three-month scope of time when our natural environment return from the bleakness of winter and invigorates our surroundings with a rebirth of colour, of foliage, of life and of promise! There is a future and we are now filled with hope!

The Spring season is an ideal time for us, as a neighborhood or as a municipality to forge a reunion with our natural world. Joining in the renude (renewed) spirit, we can look all around us for a task or a project to engage in that helps our environment to restore itself and replenish nature not only in our landscape but also within ourselves!

My spouse, Aaron, and I donated and participated in a tree planting in a local park in 2019. We gave two mimosa saplings to the park and planted them. Now that (hopefully) the coronavirus COVID-19 is finally downsiding, we will repeat that endeavour again this year.

Stripping for Arbor Day!


by Joyce Kilmer (1886 – 1918)

I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest

Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast:

A tree that looks at God all day,

And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;

Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,

But only God can make a tree.


Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, April 26, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Camaraderie!”

Earth Day Weekend!

Play on a pristine beach!

Earth Day: 22 April, 2024!

Earth Day was first observed – globally – on 22 April, 1970. At the time, it was a new addition celebrating an ancient planet! Now, it has officially evolved into a festive occasion to remind us all – both bare and the not-so-bare – that now is the time for us all to take the time not only to commemorate our natural world but to also take the time to actually make the effort to try and preserve it for our future generations!

Natural appreciation!

Who we are and where we live makes no difference. The majority of us have a sincere appreciation of the wonders of our environment (nature) and simply making the effort to keep our planet both productive and safe for us all is worth every ounce of energy we can contribute towards that goal!

The month of April, annually for those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, is the first complete month of the Spring season. In keeping with the promise of the rebirth and renewal (ReNude-al) of our natural habitat, there are two events in April that afford us the all the opportunity to join with others in improving and preserving our local world. The first of these is Earth Day!


As Earth Day happens on a Monday this year, many areas are featuring Earth Day activities, events and festivities during the weekend prior to the actual observation in order for it to be a family experience. This makes it a truly educational “learning” undertaking for everyone!

If there isn’t an Earth Day happening in your area, don’t despair! It doesn’t require a massive celebration to honour! My spouse, Aaron, and I – along with several friends and neighbors – plan a community “park cleaning” for a local public park space! With budget restrictions following the recent coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, we volunteer to report to a special area of the property and pick up any loose trash left there. Our municipality’s recreation and parks department provides us with trash bags and disposable sanitary gloves to use. We spend two hours together patrolling through the public park and collecting the debris.

Note: Due to safety concerns, we do not engage in collecting discarded syringes and needles or any item that may be hazardous.

Happy Earth Day to all!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, April 22, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “ReNude Arbor!”